Bach, Karl Richter, Münchener Bach-Chor – Cantatas (Limited Edition, Blu-ray Audio)
261,99 lei
Casa de discuri: Archiv Produktion – 028948350377 / Universal Music
Format: Blu-ray, Blu-ray Audio, Compilation, Stereo (96kHz / 24-bit), Limited Edition
Ediţie: 02 Mar 2018, Europe
Gen muzical: Classical, Baroque, Choral
Nr. de discuri: 2
Advent And Christmas
14 Cantatas from the 1st Sunday in Advent to the 4th Sunday after Epiphany & Feast of the Purification of Mary (2 February)
Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland BWV 61
1-1 Ouvertüre 3:58
1-2 Rezitativ 1:25
1-3 Arie 5:32
1-4 Rezitativ 1:17
1-5 Arie 5:22
1-6 Choral 1:08
Bereitet Die Wege, Bereitet Die Bahn BWV 132
1-7 Arie 7:41
1-8 Rezitativ 2:56
1-9 Arie 3:24
1-10 Rezitativ 2:31
1-11 Arie 3:44
1-12 Choral 1:22
Christen, Ätzet Diesen Tag BWV 63
1-13 Chor 5:29
1-14 Rezitativ 3:49
1-15 Duett 7:24
1-16 Rezitativ 0:55
1-17 Duett 4:12
1-18 Rezitativ 1:14
1-19 Chor 6:39
Christum Wir Sollen Loben Schon BWV 121
1-20 Chor 2:29
1-21 Arie 5:01
1-22 Rezitativ 1:31
1-23 Arie 8:49
1-24 Rezitativ 1:23
1-25 Choral 1:12
Sehet, Welch Eine Liebe Hat Uns Der Vater Erzeiget BWV 64
1-26 Chor 2:21
1-27 Choral 0:49
1-28 Rezitativ 0:55
1-29 Choral 1:01
1-30 Arie 5:23
1-31 Rezitativ 1:33
1-32 Arie 0:44
1-33 Choral 1:29
Gottlob! Nun Geht Das Jahr Zu Ende BWV 28
1-34 Arie 3:43
1-35 Chor 4:24
1-36 Rezitativ Und Arioso 1:55
1-37 Rezitativ 1:31
1-38 Duett 2:49
1-39 Choral 1:12
Gott, Wie Dein Name, So Ist Auch Dein Ruhm BWV 171
1-40 Chor 2:04
1-41 Arie 4:30
1-42 Rezitativ 1:17
1-43 Arie 6:15
1-44 Rezitativ 2:21
1-45 Choral 2:30
Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid BWV 58
1-46 Duett: Choral Mit Arie 5:00
1-47 Rezitativ 1:38
1-48 Arie 3:51
1-49 Rezitativ 1:18
1-50 Duett: Choral Mit Arie 2:32
Sie Werden Aus Saba Alle Kommen BWV 65
1-51 Chor 3:32
1-52 Choral 0:42
1-53 Rezitativ 2:13
1-54 Arie 2:36
1-55 Rezitativ 1:31
1-56 Arie 3:21
1-57 Choral 1:37
Meinen Jesum Lass Ich Nicht BWV 124
1-58 Chor 4:23
1-59 Rezitativ 0:44
1-60 Arie 3:08
1-61 Rezitativ 1:06
1-62 Duett 4:10
1-63 Choral 1:10
Meine Seutzer, Meine Träner BWV 13
1-64 Arie 8:00
1-65 Rezitativ 1:15
1-66 Choral 2:59
1-67 Rezitativ 1:34
1-68 Arie 7:54
1-69 Choral 1:05
Was Mein Gott Will, Das G’Scheh Allzeit BWV 111
1-70 Chor 5:04
1-71 Arie 3:50
1-72 Rezitativ 1:17
1-73 Duett 8:27
1-74 Rezitativ 1:21
1-75 Choral 1:47
Jesus Schläft, Was Soll Ich Hoffen? BWV 81
1-76 Arie 5:33
1-77 Rezitativ 1:26
1-78 Arie 3:14
1-79 Arioso 1:31
1-80 Arie 5:37
1-81 Rezitativ 0:39
1-82 Choral 1:30
Ich Habe Genug BWV 82
1-83 Arie 8:10
1-84 Rezitativ 1:42
1-85 Arie 9:43
1-86 Rezitativ 1:11
1-87 Arie 3:54
13 Cantatas from Septuagesima Sunday to Rogation Sunday & Feast of the Annunciation (25 March)
Ich Hab In Gottes Herz Und Sinn BWV 92
1-88 Chor 6:42
1-89 Choral Und Rezitativ 4:16
1-90 Arie 3:15
1-91 Choral 2:57
1-92 Rezitativ 1:26
1-93 Arie 4:36
1-94 Choral Und Rezitativ 2:45
1-95 Arie 3:20
1-96 Choral 1:24
Erhalt Uns, Herr, Bei Deinem Wort BWV 126
1-97 Chor 2:44
1-98 Arie 3:43
1-99 Rezitativ 2:28
1-100 Arie 5:12
1-101 Rezitativ 0:57
1-102 Choral 1:47
Du Wahrer Gott Und Davids Sohn BWV 23
1-103 Duett 7:00
1-104 Rezitativ 1:41
1-105 Chor 4:44
1-106 Choral 5:41
Wie Schön Leuchtet Der Morgenstern BWV 1
1-107 Chor 7:57
1-108 Rezitativ 1:01
1-109 Arie 5:00
1-110 Rezitativ 1:18
1-111 Arie 6:09
1-112 Choral 1:54
Himmelskönig, Sei Willkommen BWV 182
1-113 Sonata 2:35
1-114 Chor 4:14
1-115 Rezitativ 0:38
1-116 Arie 2:48
1-117 Arie 10:18
1-118 Arie 4:13
1-119 Choral 2:53
1-120 Chor 5:49
Christ Lag In Todes Banden BWV 4
1-121 Sinfonia 1:37
1-122 Versus I. (Chor) 4:22
1-123 Versus II. (Chor: Sopran) 4:00
1-124 Versus III. (Chor: Tenor) 1:56
1-125 Versus IV. (Chor) 2:13
1-126 Versus V. 4:36
1-127 Versus VI. (Chor: Sopran, Tenor) 2:02
1-128 Versus VII. (Choral) 1:22
Bleib Bei Uns, Denn Es Will Abend Werden BWV 6
1-129 Chor 6:11
1-130 Arie 4:05
1-131 Choral (Chor-Sopran) 4:13
1-132 Rezitativ 0:55
1-133 Arie 4:19
1-134 Choral 0:46
Der Friede Sei Mit Dir BWV 158
1-135 Rezitativ 2:11
1-136 Arie Und Choral (Bass, Chor-Sopran) 5:58
1-137 Rezitativ 2:06
1-138 Choral 1:31
Halt Im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ BWV 67
1-139 Chor 2:57
1-140 Arie 2:42
1-141 Rezitativ 0:45
1-142 Choral 0:42
1-143 Rezitativ 1:12
1-144 Arie (Bass, Chor) 5:11
1-145 Choral 1:08
Du Hirte Israel, Höre BWV 104
1-146 Chor 4:52
1-147 Rezitativ 0:48
1-148 Arie 3:11
1-149 Rezitativ 1:12
1-150 Arie 8:23
1-151 Choral 1:15
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen BWV 12
1-152 Sinfonia (adagio assai) 2:47
1-153 Chor 8:23
1-154 Rezitativ 1:11
1-155 Arie 6:51
1-156 Arie 2:22
1-157 Arie 3:57
1-158 Choral 1:07
Es Ist Euch Gut, Dass Ich Hingehe BWV 108
1-159 Arioso 4:10
1-160 Arie 3:39
1-161 Rezitativ 0:44
1-162 Chor 2:30
1-163 Arie 4:39
1-164 Choral 1:14
Bisher Habt Ihr Nichts Gebeten In Meinem Namen BWV 87
1-165 Arie 2:08
1-166 Rezitativ 0:55
1-167 Arie 10:43
1-168 Rezitativ 0:52
1-169 Arie 2:23
1-170 Arie 5:47
1-171 Choral 1:22
Ascension / Pentecost / Trinity
15 Cantatas from Ascension Day to the 5th Sunday after Trinity / Feast of John the Baptist (24 June) / Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2 July)
Lobet Gott In Seinen Reichen BWV 11
1-172 Chor 4:46
1-173 Rezitativ 0:36
1-174 Rezitativ 1:27
1-175 Arie 9:45
1-176 Rezitativ 0:28
1-177 Choral 1:10
1-178 Rezitativ 1:01
1-179 Rezitativ 0:46
1-180 Rezitativ 0:54
1-181 Arie 6:59
1-182 Choral 4:05
Sie Werden Euch In Den Bann Tun BWV 44
1-183 Chor (Chor-Tenor, Bass) 2:43
1-184 Chor 1:52
1-185 Arie 5:17
1-186 Choral (Chor-Tenor) 1:13
1-187 Rezitativ 1:02
1-188 Arie 6:09
1-189 Choral 1:06
O Ewiges Feuer, O Ursprung Der Liebe BWV 34
1-190 Chor 8:39
1-191 Rezitativ 0:40
1-192 Arie 6:29
1-193 Rezitativ 0:43
1-194 Chor 2:42
Also Hat Gott Die Welt Geliebt BWV 68
1-195 Chor 5:29
1-196 Arie 4:08
1-197 Rezitativ 0:56
1-198 Arie 4:28
1-199 Chor 2:46
Er Rufet Seinen Schafen Mit Namen BWV 175
1-200 Rezitativ 0:21
1-201 Arie 4:37
1-202 Rezitativ 0:33
1-203 Arie 4:01
1-204 Rezitativ 1:32
1-205 Arie 4:29
1-206 Choral 1:50
Gelobet Sei Der Herr, Mein Gott BWV 129
1-207 Versus I. Chor 4:43
1-208 Versus II. Arie 4:25
1-209 Versus III. Arie 5:10
1-210 Versus IV. Arie 6:07
1-211 Versus V. Choral 1:46
Brich Dem Hungrigen Dein Brot BWV 39
1-212 Erster Teil – Chor 8:11
1-213 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 1:56
1-214 Erster Teil – Arie 4:09
1-215 Zweiter Teil – Arioso 3:18
1-216 Zweiter Teil – Arie 3:29
1-217 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 2:17
1-218 Zweiter Teil – Choral 1:15
Die Himmel Erzählen Die Ehre Gottes BWV 76
1-219 Erster Teil – Chor 4:31
1-220 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 1:45
1-221 Erster Teil – Arie 6:34
1-222 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 0:53
1-223 Erster Teil – Arie 3:15
1-224 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 2:06
1-225 Erster Teil – Choral 2:32
1-226 Zweiter Teil – Sinfonia 2:53
1-227 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 1:11
1-228 Zweiter Teil – Arie 3:02
1-229 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 1:02
1-230 Zweiter Teil – Arie 4:17
1-231 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 0:43
1-232 Zweiter Teil – Choral 2:35
Ach Herr, Mich Armen Sünder BWV 135
1-233 Chor 4:38
1-234 Rezitativ 1:07
1-235 Arie 3:34
1-236 Rezitativ 1:19
1-237 Arie 2:39
1-238 Choral 1:21
Ich Hatte Viel Bekümmernis BWV 21
2-1 Erster Teil – Sinfonia 2:58
2-2 Erster Teil – Chor 4:01
2-3 Erster Teil – Arie 4:38
2-4 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 1:42
2-5 Erster Teil – Arie 7:12
2-6 Erster Teil – Choral 4:55
2-7 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 1:45
2-8 Zweiter Teil – Duett 4:15
2-9 Zweiter Teil – Chor Und Choral 5:31
2-10 Zweiter Teil – Arie 3:14
2-11 Zweiter Teil – Chor 3:44
Ein Ungefärbt Gemüte BWV 24
2-12 Arie 4:58
2-13 Rezitativ 1:53
2-14 Chor 3:12
2-15 Rezitativ 1:50
2-16 Arie 3:27
2-17 Choral 1:23
Freue Dich, Erlöste Schar BWV 30
2-18 Erster Teil – Chor 4:13
2-19 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 1:12
2-20 Erster Teil – Arie 4:33
2-21 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 0:55
2-22 Erster Teil – Arie 8:00
2-23 Erster Teil – Choral 1:09
2-24 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 1:07
2-25 Zweiter Teil – Arie 6:21
2-26 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 1:00
2-27 Zweiter Teil – Arie 6:12
2-28 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 1:11
2-29 Zweiter Teil – Chor 4:20
Wer Nun Den Lieben Gott Lässt Walten BWV 93
2-30 Chor 7:46
2-31 Choral Und Rezitativ 2:23
2-32 Arie 3:45
2-33 Duett 3:24
2-34 Choral Und Rezitativ 2:42
2-35 Arie 2:25
2-36 Choral 1:08
Herz Und Mund Und Tat Und Leben BWV 147
2-37 Erster Teil – Chor 4:05
2-38 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 2:08
2-39 Erster Teil – Arie 4:06
2-40 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 2:15
2-41 Erster Teil – Arie 4:28
2-42 Erster Teil – Choral 3:27
2-43 Zweiter Teil – Arie 3:34
2-44 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 2:47
2-45 Zweiter Teil – Arie 2:36
2-46 Zweiter Teil – Choral 3:38
Meine Seel Erlebt Den Herren BWV 10
2-47 Chor 3:45
2-48 Arie 7:00
2-49 Rezitativ 1:09
2-50 Arie 2:57
2-51 Duett Mit Instrumentalem Choral 2:10
2-52 Rezitativ 1:43
2-53 Choral 1:23
Sundays After Trinity I
17 Cantatas from the 6th Sunday to the 17th Sunday after Trinity
Es Ist Das Heil Uns Kommen Her BWV 9
2-54 Chor 5:12
2-55 Rezitativ 1:49
2-56 Arie 3:56
2-57 Rezitativ 1:48
2-58 Duett 5:45
2-59 Rezitativ 1:58
2-60 Choral 1:18
Es Wartet Alles Auf Dich BWV 187
2-61 Erster Teil – Chor 5:18
2-62 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 1:15
2-63 Erster Teil – Arie 4:35
2-64 Zweiter Teil – Arie 2:20
2-65 Zweiter Teil – Arie 3:51
2-66 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 1:43
2-67 Zweiter Teil – Choral 2:06
Wo Gott Der Herr Nicht Bei Uns Hält BWV 178
2-68 Chor 4:49
2-69 Choral Und Rezitativ 2:22
2-70 Arie 3:26
2-71 Choral 1:51
2-72 Choral Und Rezitativ 1:27
2-73 Arie 4:26
2-74 Choral 2:03
Es Ist Dir Gesagt, Mensch, Was Gut Ist BWV 45
2-75 Erster Teil – Chor 5:44
2-76 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 1:28
2-77 Erster Teil – Arie 3:45
2-78 Zweiter Teil – Arioso 3:24
2-79 Zweiter Teil – Arie 3:48
2-80 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 1:33
2-81 Zweiter Teil – Choral 1:19
Herr, Gehe Nicht Ins Gericht BWV 105
2-82 Chor 6:03
2-83 Rezitativ 1:16
2-84 Arie 7:44
2-85 Rezitativ 1:41
2-86 Arie 6:14
2-87 Choral 1:52
Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben BWV 102
2-88 Erster Teil – Chor 6:10
2-89 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 1:25
2-90 Erster Teil – Arie 6:17
2-91 Erster Teil – Arioso 2:46
2-92 Zweiter Teil – Arie 3:55
2-93 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 1:25
2-94 Zweiter Teil – Choral 2:04
Meine Herz Schwimmt Im Blut BWV 199
2-95 Rezitativ 2:48
2-96 Arie 7:29
2-97 Rezitativ 1:27
2-98 Arie 9:46
2-99 Rezitativ 0:21
2-100 Choral 2:08
2-101 Rezitativ 1:02
2-102 Arie 2:44
Siehe Zu, Dass Deine Gottesfurcht Nicht Heuchelei Sei BWV 179
2-103 Chor 2:27
2-104 Rezitativ 1:26
2-105 Arie 2:45
2-106 Rezitativ 2:12
2-107 Arie 4:38
2-108 Choral 1:14
Lobe Den Herren, Den Mächtigen König Der Ehren BWV 137
2-109 Versus I (Chor) 3:24
2-110 Versus II (Arie) 4:10
2-111 Versus III (Duett) 4:08
2-112 Versus IV (Arie) 2:45
2-113 Versus V (Choral) 1:12
Allein Zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ BWV 33
2-114 Chor 4:30
2-115 Rezitativ 1:23
2-116 Arie 9:34
2-117 Rezitativ 1:39
2-118 Duett 4:39
2-119 Choral 1:43
Jesu, Der Du Meine Seele BWV 78
2-120 Chor 5:33
2-121 Duett 5:42
2-122 Rezitativ 2:39
2-123 Arie 3:42
2-124 Rezitativ 3:03
2-125 Arie 3:21
2-126 Choral 1:37
Wer Dank Opfert, Der Preiset Mich BWV 17
2-127 Erster Teil – Chor 3:51
2-128 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 1:15
2-129 Erster Teil – Arie 3:20
2-130 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 1:07
2-131 Zweiter Teil – Arie 3:30
2-132 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 1:42
2-133 Zweiter Teil – Choral 1:57
Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen BWV 51
2-134 Arie 4:36
2-135 Rezitativ 2:44
2-136 Arie 4:47
2-137 Choral 3:26
2-138 Arie 2:20
Was Gott Tut, Das Ist Wohlgetan BWV 100
2-139 [Versus I] Chor 5:19
2-140 [Versus II] Duett 2:59
2-141 [Versus III] Arie 4:40
2-142 [Versus IV] Arie 3:32
2-143 [Versus V] Arie 4:54
2-144 [Versus VI] Choral 2:10
Wer Weiss, Wie Nahe Mir Mein Ende? BWV 27
2-145 Chor Mit Rezitativen 4:14
2-146 Rezitativ 1:07
2-147 Arie 5:51
2-148 Rezitativ 0:58
2-149 Arie 3:28
2-150 Choral 1:45
Liebster Gott, Wann Werd’ Ich Sterben? BWV 8
2-151 Chor 8:26
2-152 Arie 4:22
2-153 Rezitativ 1:28
2-154 Arie 5:55
2-155 Rezitativ 1:39
2-156 Choral 2:00
Bringet Dem Herrn Ehre Seines Namens BWV 148
2-157 Chor 3:54
2-158 Arie 5:01
2-159 Rezitativ 2:08
2-160 Arie 5:59
2-161 Rezitativ 1:12
2-162 Choral 1:13
Sundays After Trinity II
16 Cantatas from the 18th Sunday to the 27th Sunday after Trinity / St. Michael’s Day (29 September) / Reformation Festival (31 October) / “Actus Tragicus”
Herr Christ, Der Einge Gottessohn BWV 96
2-163 Chor 6:33
2-164 Rezitativ 1:41
2-165 Arie 7:25
2-166 Rezitativ 1:02
2-167 Arie 2:40
2-168 Choral 1:01
Wo Soll Ich Fliehen Hin BWV 5
2-169 Chor 4:15
2-170 Rezitativ 1:21
2-171 Arie 6:44
2-172 Rezitativ 1:41
2-173 Arie 6:09
2-174 Rezitativ 1:00
2-175 Choral 1:08
Ich Will Den Kreutstab Gerne Tragen BWV 56
2-176 Arie 9:39
2-177 Rezitativ 2:11
2-178 Arie 6:42
2-179 Rezitativ Und Arioso 2:01
2-180 Choral 2:18
Schmücke Dich, O Liebe Seele BWV 180
2-181 Chor 8:01
2-182 Arie 5:57
2-183 Rezitativ (Und Arioso) 3:52
2-184 Rezitativ 1:44
2-185 Arie 4:34
2-186 Rezitativ 1:12
2-187 Choral 1:38
Aus Tiefer Not Schrei Ich Zu Dir BWV 38
2-188 Chor 3:41
2-189 Rezitativ 1:06
2-190 Arie 6:02
2-191 Rezitativ Mit Instrumentalem Choral 1:19
2-192 Terzett 3:21
2-193 Choral 1:22
Ich Armer Mensch, Ich Sündenknecht BWV 55
2-194 Arie 6:12
2-195 Rezitativ 2:05
2-196 Arie 4:01
2-197 Rezitativ 1:46
2-198 Choral 1:29
Mache Dich, Mein Geist, Bereit BWV 115
2-199 Chor 3:54
2-200 Arie 9:01
2-201 Rezitativ 1:28
2-202 Arie 7:40
2-203 Rezitativ 1:05
2-204 Choral 1:03
Wohl Dem, Der Sich Auf Seinen Gott BWV 139
2-205 Chor 4:50
2-206 Arie 6:33
2-207 Rezitativ 0:52
2-208 Arie 5:08
2-209 Rezitativ 1:04
2-210 Choral 1:08
O Ewigkeit, Du Donnerwort BWV 60
2-211 Duett 4:03
2-212 Rezitativ 2:12
2-213 Duett 3:13
2-214 Rezitativ/Arioso 5:05
2-215 Choral 1:44
Ach Wie Flüchtig, Ach Wie Nichtig BWV 26
2-216 Chor 3:17
2-217 Arie 6:54
2-218 Rezitativ 1:07
2-219 Arie 4:43
2-220 Rezitativ 0:45
2-221 Choral 0:57
Du Friedefürst, Herr Jesu Christ BWV 116
2-222 Chor 5:03
2-223 Arie 3:21
2-224 Rezitativ 0:47
2-225 Terzett 5:44
2-226 Rezitativ 1:19
2-227 Choral 1:06
Wachet! Betet! Betet! Wachet! BWV 70
2-228 Erster Teil – Chor 4:09
2-229 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 1:28
2-230 Erster Teil – Arie 5:31
2-231 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 0:51
2-232 Erster Teil – Arie 2:52
2-233 Erster Teil – Rezitativ 0:41
2-234 Erster Teil – Choral 1:19
2-235 Zweiter Teil – Arie 3:40
2-236 Zweiter Teil – Rezitativ 2:11
2-237 Zweiter Teil – Arie 3:03
2-238 Zweiter Teil – Choral 1:15
Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die Stimme BWV 140
2-239 Chor 9:35
2-240 Rezitativ 1:19
2-241 Duett 6:53
2-242 Choral 5:56
2-243 Rezitativ 1:57
2-244 Duett 6:20
2-245 Choral 1:55
Herr Gott, Dich Loben Alle Wir BWV 130
2-246 Chor Und Choral (Chor-Sopran) 2:59
2-247 Rezitativ 1:10
2-248 Arie 3:59
2-249 Rezitativ 1:23
2-250 Arie 4:29
2-251 Choral 1:22
Ein Feste Burg Ist Unser Gott BWV 80
2-252 Chor 2:49
2-253 Duett, Arie Mit Choral 3:41
2-254 Rezitativ 2:14
2-255 Arie 3:25
2-256 Choral 4:03
2-257 Rezitativ 1:27
2-258 Duett 4:10
2-259 Choral 1:35
Gottes Zeit Ist Die Allerbeste Zeit BWV 106 “Actus Tragicus”
2-260 Sonatina 2:47
2-261 Chor 2:22
2-262 Arioso 3:17
2-263 Arie 1:19
2-264 Chor Und Arioso (Chor-Sopran) Mit Instrumentalem Choral 3:29
2-265 Arie 2:12
2-266 Arioso 1:09
2-267 Choral (Chor-Alt) 2:45
2-268 Chor 3:07
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174,99 lei
Casa de discuri: Deutsche Grammophon – 028947927129 / Universal Music
Format: CD, Album
Ediţie: 2014, Europe
Gen muzical: Classical, Romantic, Opera
Nr. de discuri: 2
1-1 – Sinfonia 7:25
1-2 – Qual V’ha Speme? (Prologo; Introduzione) 3:32
1-3 – Il Re! – Nel Suo Bel Volto (Prologo; Scena, Racconto E Cavatina) 2:41
1-4 – Sotto Una Quercia Parvemi (Prologo; Scena, Racconto E Cavatina) 3:02
1-5 – V’han Dunque Loco Simile (Prologo; Scena, Racconto E Cavatina) 2:39
1-6 – Pondo È Letal, Martirio Il Serto (Prologo; Scena, Racconto E Cavatina) 1:35
1-7 – Gelo, Terror M’invade! (Prologo; Scena) 3:16
1-8 – Oh, Ben S’addice Questo Torbido Cielo (Prologo; Scena E Cavatina) 1:54
1-9 – Sempre All’alba Ed Alla Sera (Prologo; Scena E Cavatina) 3:52
1-10 – Paventi, Carlo, Tu Forse? (Prologo; Finale I) 0:57
1-11 – Tu Sei Bella (Prologo; Finale I) 2:46
1-12 – Pronta Sono! … Son Guerriera (Prologo; Finale I) 4:40
1-13 – Ai Lari! Alla Patria! (Atto Primo; Coro) 1:55
1-14 – Questa Rea Che Vi Percuote (Atto Primo; Scena Ed Aria) 0:34
1-15 – Franco Son Io, Ma In Core (Atto Primo; Scena Ed Aria) 3:27
1-16 – So Che Per Via Dei Triboli (Atto Primo; Scena Ed Aria) 2:13
1-17 – Qui! Qui! Dove Più S’apre Libero Il Cielo (Atto Primo; Scena E Romanza) 2:44
1-18 – O Fatidica Foresta (Atto Primo; Scena E Romanza) 2:23
1-19 – Ho Risolto (Atto Primo; Scena E Duetto – Finale II) 3:00
1-20 – T’arretri E Palpiti! (Atto Primo; Scena E Duetto – Finale II) 4:13
1-21 – Taci! – Le Vie Traboccano (Atto Primo; Scena E Duetto – Finale II) 1:29
1-22 – Vieni Al Tempio (Atto Primo; Scena E Duetto – Finale II) 4:24
2-1 – Dal Cielo A Noi Chi Viene (Atto Secondo; Gran Marcia Trionfale) 2:24
2-2 – Ecco Il Luogo E Il Momento (Atto Secondo; Scena E Romanza) 0:59
2-3 – Speme Al Vecchio Era Una Figlia (Atto Secondo; Scena E Romanza) 3:03
2-4 – Te, Dio, Lodiam (Atto Secondo; Finale III) 1:17
2-5 – Compiuto È Rito! (Atto Secondo; Finale III) 3:42
2-6 – No! Forme D’angelo Non Son La Vesta (Atto Secondo; Finale III) 4:12
2-7 – Ti Discolpa! … Fuggi, O Donna Maledetta (Atto Secondo; Finale III) 3:26
2-8 – I Franchi! I Franchi! (Atto Secondo; Scena E Duetto) 1:27
2-9 – A Lui Pensa! … Amai, Ma Un Solo Istante (Atto Secondo; Scena E Duetto) 5:09
2-10 – Tu Che All’eletto Sàulo (Atto Secondo; Scena E Duetto) 1:04
2-11 – Or Dal Padre Benedetta (Atto Secondo; Scena E Duetto) 2:17
2-12 – Ecco! Ella Vola … Presa È La Rocca! (Atto Secondo; Battaglia) 0:59
2-13 – Di Novel Prodigio Il Ciel Ne Arrise (Atto Secondo; Scena E Romanza) 1:45
2-14 – Quale Più Fido Amico (Atto Secondo; Scena E Romanza) 2:46
2-15 – Un Suon Funereo D’intorno Spandesi (Atto Secondo; Marcia Funebre) 2:18
2-16 – Che Mai Fu? … S’apre Il Ciel (Atto Secondo; Scena – Finale IV) 7:17Produs în stoc
Giuseppe Verdi – Giovanna d’Arco (2CD)
174,99 lei Adaugă în coșPrevizualizare -
109,99 lei
Casa de discuri: Wagram Music – 3390116
Format: Vinyl, LP, Compilation, 180g
Ediţie: 11 Jun 2021
Gen muzical: Classical, Impressionist
Nr. de discuri: 1
A1 Boston Symphony Orchestra– Bolero 13:46
A2 Orchestre Symphonique De La Radiodiffusion Française– Alborada Del Gracioso 7:39
B1 Orchestre Symphonique De La Radiodiffusion Française– Pavane Pour Une Infante Defunte 5:56
B2 New England Conservatory Chorus, Boston Symphony Orchestra– Concerto Pour Piano At Orchestre En Sol: 2eme Mouvement: Adagio Asssai 8:39
B3 New England Conservatory Chorus, Boston Symphony Orchestra– Concerto Pour Piano At Orchestre En Sol: Daphnis & Chloe, Scene 3 – Final 8:50Produs în stoc
Maurice Ravel – The Masterpieces of Maurice Ravel (Vinyl)
109,99 lei Adaugă în coșPrevizualizare -
574,99 lei
Casa de discuri: Decca – 028948312528 / Universal Music
Format: Box Set, CD, Compilation, Limited Edition
Ediţie: 2 Jun 2016, Europe
Gen muzical: Classical
Nr. de discuri: 42CDThe complete recorded legacy on Decca of one of the most influential music directors of English Cathedral music.
42 CDs, mastered from the original tapes, and presented with original jackets.
Includes the first international Decca CD release of Langlais’ Messe Solennelle, Palestrina’s Missa brevis à 4, Flor Peeters’ Missa Festiva, Purcell’s Thy word is a Lantern, Z61, works by Casciolini, Gabrieli, Gesualdo, Banchieri, and two further CDs: 5 & 31.
Extensive booklet notes with photographs from the College’s archives and from George Guest’s personal family archives.
Stainer: The Crucifixion
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBritten: A Ceremony of Carols, Op. 28
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBritten: Rejoice in the Lamb, Op. 30
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBritten: Missa Brevis in D major, Op. 63
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHaydn: Mass, Hob. XXII:12 in B flat major ‘Theresienmesse’
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestMonteverdi: Mass in Four Parts (1661)
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestMonteverdi: Mass in Four Parts (1640)
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestMonteverdi: Laudate pueri
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestMonteverdi: Ut queant laxis from Selva morale e spirituale
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHaydn: Mass, Hob. XXII:14 in B flat major ‘Harmoniemesse’
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestVictoria: Requiem 1605 ‘Officium defunctorum’
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestVictoria: O magnum mysterium, motet
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestVictoria: Ave Maria
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHaydn: Mass, Hob. XXII:10 in B flat major ‘Heiligmesse’
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPalestrina: Missa Veni sponsa Christi
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHaydn: Mass, Hob. XXII:13 in B flat major ‘Schöpfungmesse’
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestVictoria: Missa O quam gloriosum
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHaydn: Mass, Hob. XXII: 9 in C major ‘Paukenmesse’
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHaydn, M: Ave Regina Caelorum, MH 140
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPalestrina: Missa Assumpta est Maria
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPalestrina: Missa Brevis
first international Decca CD release
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: Te Deum & Jubilate Deo in D, Z232
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: Funeral Sentances
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestLiszt: Missa Choralis, S10
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBruckner: Offertorium: Afferentur regi
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBruckner: Os justi meditabitur sapientiam
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBruckner: Inveni David, offertorium for male chorus & 4 trombones,WAB 19
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBruckner: Pange lingua
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBruckner: Ecce sacerdos magnus
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBeethoven: Mass in C major, Op. 86
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestDuruflé: Requiem, Op. 9
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestSchubert: Mass No. 6 in E flat major, D950
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: Behold, I bring you glad tidings, Z2
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust, Z16
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: I was glad when they said unto me, Z19
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: O Lord God of hosts, Z37
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: O give thanks unto the Lord, Z33
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestFauré: Requiem, Op. 48
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestFauré: Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestLocke: The King Shall Rejoice
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestLocke: When the Son of Man shall come in all His Glory
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBlow: Sing unto the Lord, Oh ye Saints
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHumfrey: O give thanks unto the Lord
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHumfrey: Hear, O Heav’ns
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHumfrey: By the waters of Babylon
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPoulenc: Mass in G major
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPoulenc: Exultate Deo
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPoulenc: Salve Regina
first international Decca CD release
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPeeters: Missa Festiva, Op. 62
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestSchubert: Mass No. 5 in A flat major, D678
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestLotti: Crucifixus in 8 parts
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBononcini, G B: Stabat Mater
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestCaldara: Crucifixus a 16 voci
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHaydn: Mass, Hob. XXII: 7 in B flat major ‘Kleine Orgelmesse’
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHaydn: Mass, Hob. XXII: 5 in C major ‘Cäcilienmesse’
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestScarlatti, A: St. Cecilia Mass
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPergolesi: Stabat Mater
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestMozart: Mass in C major, K258 ‘Spaurmesse’
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestMozart: Vesperae solennes de confessore in C, K339
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestMozart: Vesperae solennes de Dominica, K321
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestMozart: Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento, K243
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestVivaldi: Gloria, RV588
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestVivaldi: Gloria in D major, RV589
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestLanglais: Messe Solennelle for mixed choir & organ
first international Decca CD release
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestDuruflé: Quatre Motets sur des thèmes grégoriens, Op. 10
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestFauré: Messe basse
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestMessiaen: O sacrum convivium
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPoulenc: Litanies à la Vierge noire
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: They that go down to the sea in ships, Z57
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei, Z135
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: My beloved spake, Z28
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: O sing unto the Lord, Z44
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: Lord, how long wilt thou be angry?, Z25
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: Who hath believed our report?, Z64
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBritten: Festival Te Deum in E, Op. 32
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBairstow: Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHowells: Like as the Hart
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestVaughan Williams: Lord, Thou has been our refuge
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBritten: Jubilate Deo in C major (1961)
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestWalton: A Litany ‘Drop, drop slow tears’
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestIreland: Greater Love Hath No Man
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestOrr, R: They that put their trust in the Lord
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBritten: A Hymn to the Virgin
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestTippett: Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (Collegium Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense)
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBritten: A Hymn of Saint Columba
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestPurcell: Thy word is a lantern unto my feet, Z61
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBritten: Hymn to St. Peter, Op. 56a
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestHowells: Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (Collegium Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense, 1957)
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestCasciolini: Angelus Domini, 8vv
first international Decca CD release
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestGabrieli, A: Missa Brevis
first international Decca CD release
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestGesualdo: O Vos Omnes
first international Decca CD release
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestBanchieri: Omnes gentes
first international Decca CD release
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestWalmisley: Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in D
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestNares: The souls of the righteous
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestGoss, J: If we believe that Jesus died
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestWesley, S: In Exitu Israel
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestWesley, S S: The Wilderness
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestWesley, S S: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestWesley, S S: Blessed be the God and Father
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestTallis: Te Deum
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestTallis: Iam Lucis
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestTallis: Clarifica Me, Pater
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestTallis: Fantasy
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestTallis: In ieiunio et fletu
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestTallis: Audivi vocem de caelo
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestWeelkes: Give ear, O Lord
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestWeelkes: When David Heard
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestWeelkes: Hosanna to the Son of David
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestTallis: Salve intemerata virgo
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestSheppard, J: Mass ‘The Western Wynde’
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestSheppard, J: Verbum caro factum est
Choir of St John’s College Cambridge
George GuestProdus în stoc
St. John’s College Choir Cambridge – The Complete Argo Recordings (Box Set, Limited Edition, 42CDs)
574,99 lei Adaugă în coșPrevizualizare -
59,99 lei
Casa de discuri: Sony Classical – 190759239520 / Sony Music
Format: CD, Album
Ediţie: 2019, Europe
Gen muzical: Classical, Piano
Nr. de discuri: 1
01 Flying Pictures at an Exhibition, ballet (after Mussorgsky): Memories of a Promenade II (03:29)
02 Am Abend, for piano quartet & orchestra (03:56)
03 Olga Gigue, for piano (03:04)
04 Nocturne for piano No. 2 in E flat major, Op. 9/2, CT. 109 (04:21)
05 Avril 14th (01:45)
06 Melody, lyric piece for piano, Op. 38/3 (04:29)
07 Intermezzo for piano in A major, Op. 118/2 (05:49)
08 Una Mattina, for piano (03:25)
09 Armellodie, for piano (04:43)
10 Orphée et Eurydice (French version), opera in 3 acts, Wq. 41: Melody (04:08)
11 Italian Concerto, for solo keyboard in F major, BWV 971 (BC L7) (Clavier-Übung II/1): II. Andante (05:43)
12 Bagatelle for piano in A minor (“Für Elise”), WoO 59 (03:26)
13 Concerto for solo keyboard No. 3 in D minor, BWV 974 (BC L194) (after Alessandro Marcello): II. Adagio (04:07)
14 Nocturne for piano No. 8 in D flat major, Op. 27/2, CT. 115 (07:10)
15 Concert Paraphrase on Mozart’s Turkish March, for piano (02:59)Produs în stoc
Olga Scheps – Melody (CD)
59,99 lei Adaugă în coșPrevizualizare